Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts

All of Gmail's keyboard shortcuts in one easy-to-use quick reference. View online, or download as PNG and PDF.

Jhaura Wachsman
Jhaura Wachsman
Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to work faster and more efficiently. Email is an aspect of your workflow that can return dividends if you take the time to master the common actions. Gmail, one of the most popular email clients, has a plethora of keyboard shortcuts that can help you get more out your daily correspondence.

The quick reference resources provided below will help you memorize the shortcuts related the actions you typically use a mouse or trackpad to perform. Once you commit a few shortcuts to memory, you will begin to see a transformation in your workflow.

Tip: Try and intercept the habit of reaching for your mouse or trackpad, and instead perform the action using a keyboard shortcut.

Download: PDF or PNG

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts


Compose in a new tabd
Search mail/
Search chat contactsg
Open "more actions" menu.
Open "move to" menuv
Open "label as" menul
Open keyboard shortcut help?

Compose, Chat

Previous message in an open conversationp
Next message in an open conversationn
Focus main windowShift + Esc
Focus latest chat or composeEsc
Advance to the next chat or composeCtrl + .
Advance to previous chat or composeCtrl + ,
Send⌘/Ctrl + Enter
Add cc recipients⌘/Ctrl + Shift + c
Add bcc recipients⌘/Ctrl + Shift + b
Access custom from⌘/Ctrl + Shift + f
Insert a link⌘/Ctrl + k
Go to next misspelled word (Mac only)⌘ + ;
Open spelling suggestions⌘/Ctrl + m


Move focus to toolbar,
Select conversationx
Toggle star/rotate among superstarss
Mute conversationm
Report as spam!
Reply in a new windowShift + r
Reply alla
Reply all in a new windowShift + a
Forward in a new windowShift + f
Update conversationShift + n
Archive conversation and go previous/next] or [
Undo last actionz
Mark as readShift + i
Mark as unreadShift + u
Mark unread from the selected message_
Mark as important+ or =
Mark as not important-
Expand entire conversation;
Collapse entire conversation:
Add conversation to TasksShift + t


Go to Inboxg + i
Go to Starred conversationsg + s
Go to Snoozed conversationsg + b
Go to Sent messagesg + t
Go to Draftsg + d
Go to All mailg + a
Switch between the sidebar and your inbox⌘/Ctrl + Alt + ,
⌘/Ctrl + Alt + .
Go to Tasksg + k
Go to labelg + l
Go to next pageg + n
Go to previous pageg + p
Back to threadlistu
Newer conversationk
Older conversationj
Open conversationo or Enter
Go to next Inbox section`
Go to previous Inbox section~

Threadlist Selection

Select all conversations* + a
Deselect all conversations* + n
Select read conversations* + r
Select unread conversations* + u
Select starred conversations* + s
Select unstarred conversations* + t

Formatting Text

Previous font⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 5
Next font⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 6
Decrease text size⌘/Ctrl + Shift + -
Increase text size⌘/Ctrl + Shift and +
Bold⌘/Ctrl + b
Italics⌘/Ctrl + i
Underline⌘/Ctrl + u
Numbered list⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 7
Bulleted list⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 8
Quote⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 9
Indent less⌘/Ctrl + [
Indent more⌘/Ctrl + ]
Align left⌘/Ctrl + Shift + l
Align center⌘/Ctrl + Shift + e
Align right⌘/Ctrl + Shift + r
Remove formatting⌘/Ctrl + \


Show menuh + m
Show archived hangoutsh + a
Show Hangout requestsh + i
Focus on the conversation listh + c
Open phoneh + p